Dr.A.V.Satyanarayan is being felicitated on the occasion of his new portfolio as President for YHAI State Branch of AP |
Dr. A.V.S. with YHAI Bhimavaram Unit New Office Bearers |
Dr. A.V.S.N. with Dr. J. ChandraPrasad ,Principal D.N.R.College(A) Right and Sri D.V.S. Chanadraji, Principal. K.G.R.L.College(A) left |
Brief History of YHAI Bhimavaram Unit
Youth Hostels Association India (YHAI) Bhimavaram Unit established on 26-08-1989 by Dr. AretiVenkataSatyanarayana Former Principal, K.G.R.L. College (Autonomous),Bhimavaram as founder Secretary.Sri K.J.P.Narayana of AndhraBank, Bhimavaram as founder President.The Unit is functioning its business in K.G.R.L. College as base office with support of Management & Staff of K.G.R.L. College. Students and staff of D.N.R. College, Dr.C.S.N.degree College, etc., are enrolled as members and supporting several programmes which help to attract State Branch. Bhimavaram is one of the oldest Unit and is as old as State Branch.
The present Executive Body is elected unanimously recently just for the period of there years i.e. for 2011- 2014. The new team elected includes Dr. A.V.Satyanarayana, as President, Dr. M. LakshmanaRao, Sri Nukal GopalaKrishnaMurthy, and Prof. K.Nagewara Rao, as Vice-Presidents Dr. K.Satyanarayan as Chairman, Dr. M. Satyanarayana as Secretary, Mr. N. Kiran Chandra and Dr. Datla VenkataPathi Raju as Joint Secretaries and Sri Bonda V.S.S. Hanumantha Rao as Treasurer for Bhimavaram Unit.
In this context, the YHAI Bimavaram Unit welcomes you all and requesting to enroll yourself along with your family members and friends as life members so as to participate in Unit activities.Join as member to just to enjoy the fruits of Youth Hostels Association of India.Fore more information Visit our site:www.yhaindia.org